
Zen Cart modules

I’ve made several modules for Zen Cart open source e-shop. The modules are based on osCommerce implementation.


  1. TatraPay & CardPay module (based on Juraj Bednar’s implementation for osCommerce)
  2. SporoPay module (my own, but unfortunately untested implementation)
  3. VUB e-platby (based on implementation of Daniel, Roman Hanajik, Jindrich Kratochvil)
  4. HomeCredit (not working due to changed specification)


  1. HomeCredit module
  2. Quatro module
  3. Cetelem module

Unfortunately I don’t have specification for these payment systems and the companies are not answering my emails (that’s a shame). If you would like me to implement one of these, please send me the specification and I’ll be glad to help.



you can download the modules here

3 replies on “Zen Cart modules”

Zdravim ta,

chcem sa ta opytat, ci nemas nahodou modul splatkoveho predaja QUATRO na zen-cart, ktory nutne potrebujem, resp. ci nevies upravit modul homecreditu na quatro, aby som ho mohol vyuzit???


snazil som sa ziskat specku na quatro aj homecredit ale nejak mi neodpisali, takze to nie je k dispozicii. Ak mas specifikaciu quatra, ze co treba kam posielat, tak to mozem cez vikend spravit 😉