Plugins & translation

JIRA NTLM/SSPI/SSO (Domain Trusted Login) using Apache HTTP Server

Finally, after one year I had some time to finish the article of How to authenticate users in Jira using the Domain account without using jcifs to actually authenticate (it’s used only to get the user details after he/she had been authenticated).

If you have any questions or problems, just contact me.

Plugins & translation Software & Development plugin pre WordPress

Kedže som jeden z ľudí, čo neradi priamo vkladajú kód do textu stránky, prípadne menia kód šablony vo wordpress-e vytvoril som plugin pre Viac info tu

Plugins & translation

Word Press forum (Forum Server by VastHTML) Slovak translation

Hi folks,

today I needed to translate wordpress forum and guess what? I did! You can get it here.

Just follow the translation installation instructions in Forum Server readme.txt file.


Plugins & translation

Zen Cart Slovak Payment modules

New payment modules for zen cart published.

For more information click here