Software & Development

Batch convert, resize and rename pictures

I made a simple tool to convert, resize and rename pictures in a directory. You can find it HERE.


I use it to prepare 360 degress photos of objects to be used in Adobe Flash CS5 template that requires jpeg pictures named from 1 to 60 of the size 640×480.


Atomic Bomberman Windows 7 messed up colors

Atomic Bomberman doesn’t work under Windows 7 correctly. The colors are messed up. This is actually a well known problem.

There are 2 solutions (use the one you find better):

  1. run the BM95_fix_color to create windows registry compatibility records for bm.exe and bm95.exe (this is a file from the link above that contains also bm.exe record that had to be added in order to work for me)
  2. copy the BM95_win7 attached to atomic bomberman directory and use it to launch the game, the batch file closes iexplore (taskbar) that somehow causes the problem and relaunches it again after the game is closed

SQL Server 2008 Express: Change Server Collation

If you managed to get in trouble as I did, because you have different database and server collation (yes, there is a difference between server and database collation) and you use SQL Server 2008 Express, then you’ve found the right place to solve your problem.

How to get the setup.exe mentioned all over internet for standard SQL Server 2008:

  1. Start the SQL Server Express installer
  2. Wait until the extraction dialog is closed and you can see the installation window
  3. The installer will extract all the setup files into c: drive, the directory name can be easily found by looking for a mess of digits and letters
  4. Copy the content to a different directory (when you close the installer the content extracted by the installer will be removed)
  5. Close the installer (because there can’t be 2 installers running at the same time)
  6. Now you have the setup.exe available and you can run the old good rebuild command
Rebuild SQL Server 2008 database with new server collation and sa password:




[nepwd] is new sa account password

[machinename] is the machine name to use the administrators group from



You have to reattach your databases and recreate the logins, e.g. by running:

EXEC sp_change_users_login ‘Auto_Fix’, ‘user’, ‘login’, ‘password’

Software & Development

oracle impdb remap_schema with additional space

Today, I tried to run impdb with remap_schema:old_owner:new_owner syntax and I ended up with empty database and plenty of errors.

The problem was that impdp tried to import from “old_owner” to “new_owner “. Do you see the difference? One additional space, because impdp somehow misunderstood the parameter separator as a part of new_owner.

Problem occurs in case of oracle 11.20 @ solaris. Solution is to provide remap_schema as a last parameter.