
Windows 7 keeps adding keyboard layout


Windows 7 keeps adding keyboard layout after re-logging in or system restart. Removed keyboard layout is restored.

This is caused by windows log-in screen (Welcome screen) which has separate keyboard settings. To fix this problem do the following:

  1. Go to: Control panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and languages
  2. Click “Change keyboards”
  3. You’ll see the dialog where you can choose which layouts you want to have and which one should be the default one
  4. Remove all unwanted layouts and press OK
  5. Go to the last tab : Control panel > Region and Language > Administrative
  6. Click on “Copy settings”
  7. Tick “Welcome screen and system accounts”
  8. Press OK
  9. Press OK
  10. You’re done


Možno ste sa stretli s problémom, kedy Windows 7 pridáva po reštarte alebo opätovnom prihlásení klávesnicu, ktorú ste predtým odobrali. V mojom prípade to bola”Slovenčina”, ktorá má štandardne QWERTZ rozloženie. Používam QWERTY a vždy po prihlásení som zrazu mal pre slovenčinu QWERTY aj QWERTZ variantu, pričom prvá zvolená bola samozrejme QWERTZ.

Po troche bádania som prišiel na to, že to spôsobuje prihlasovacia obrazovka, ktorá má svoje vlastné nastavenie klávesníc. Nechcená klávesnica sa tak dá odstrániť nasledovne:

  1. Otvor: Control panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and languages (Ovládací panel > Región a jazyk > Klávesnice a jazyky)
  2. Klikni na “Change keyboards” (Zmeniť klávesnice)
  3. Otvorí sa štandardné okno, kde sa dajú pridávať a odoberať klávesnice
  4. Odstráň všetky nechcené klávesnice a stlač OK
  5. V poslednej záložke : Control panel > Region and Language > Administrative (Ovládací panel > Región a jazyk > Správa)
  6. Klikni na “Copy settings” (Kopírovať nastavenia)
  7. Zakvační “Welcome screen and system accounts” (Prihlasovacia obrazovka a systémové účty)
  8. Stlač OK
  9. Stlač OK
  10. Hotovo



Atomic Bomberman Windows 7 messed up colors

Atomic Bomberman doesn’t work under Windows 7 correctly. The colors are messed up. This is actually a well known problem.

There are 2 solutions (use the one you find better):

  1. run the BM95_fix_color to create windows registry compatibility records for bm.exe and bm95.exe (this is a file from the link above that contains also bm.exe record that had to be added in order to work for me)
  2. copy the BM95_win7 attached to atomic bomberman directory and use it to launch the game, the batch file closes iexplore (taskbar) that somehow causes the problem and relaunches it again after the game is closed