Software & Development

axis2 codegen wizard (Eclipse) – InvocationTargetException

There is a known problem with InvocationTargetException when you press Finish button in Eclipse’s Axis code generation wizard. I don’t know why there is no newer version available, however the steps are pretty straightforward. There is also a ready to deploy zip file available here. However, you have to register to download it.

I had trouble following the steps, because there is no backport-utils package anymore in axis2-bin/lib directory. Also, I tried to register the jar in plugin.xml over and over again just to find out that stupid PSPad didn’t save the changes, because there are windows7 permission and stuff.

By the way, funny thing is that the directory name is 1.3.0 even for version  1.4.1..

So, if you are as lazy as me, here get the fixed Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.4.1. Yes, it is a direct link, no more stupid forums where you need registration and wait 7 days until you are allowed to do anything.




NOTE: please note there is a version 1.6.2 of the plugin that works just fine!

Software & Development

ITunes/Quicktime is not a valid installation package for the product itunes/quicktime

If you have trouble to install newer version of iTunes or QuickTime you’ve probably searched for the solution and found that you should use Microsoft Cleanup to uninstall the old version (uninstallation of old version causes the failure). The tool is, however, not available anymore. You have to use Microsoft FixIt, then choose the method to “select the solution by yourself” and after a certain time (the application tries to find problem) click on Uninstall and choose iTunes and/or QuickTime.


Alternative method is to open Registry editor and remove all folders containing keys with itunes.msi and quicktime.msi.

Software & Development

Unable to set new owner on filename. Access is denied

Are you unable to remove file or directory on your NTFS drive? Have you tried takeown, cacls, icacls and windows 2003 resource kit tools without any success, because the owner cannot be determined?

Then simply try to run checkdisk on that drive, somehow it’ll fix the problem even it keeps telling you no problems were found and fixed 🙂

chkdsk [your_drive]: /f


chkdsk d: /f
Software & Development

Batch convert, resize and rename pictures

I made a simple tool to convert, resize and rename pictures in a directory. You can find it HERE.


I use it to prepare 360 degress photos of objects to be used in Adobe Flash CS5 template that requires jpeg pictures named from 1 to 60 of the size 640×480.